Amalie R. Rothschild
Amalie R. Rothschild's 1972 perspective on women's choice
An historic film shot just before Roe vs. Wade, Amalie R. Rothschild’s 1972 short It Happens to Us is a plea for legalized abortion legislation. The photographer and filmmaker interviewed numerous, diverse women about their experiences terminating a pregnancy, and wove together their candid perspectives on abortion.
On the set of It Happens to Us. Photo courtesy of the filmmaker.
On the set of It Happens to Us. Photo courtesy of the filmmaker.
An honest and explicit look at a time when abortions were performed on “newspapers on a bed,” the film is a sobering reminder of the consequences of women being denied the right to choose. Rothschild also directed and produced Woo Who? May Wilson and Nana, Mom and Me. She was a founding member of the self-distribution cooperative, New Day Films, which was developed in reaction to exploitative distribution models, and sought to expand audience and market access to new kinds of films. You can rent It Happens to Us on their website.